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Cocaine is a drug that comes from the coca leaf. It is derived from cocaine alkaloids, which
are naturally occurring substances found in the leaves of the coca bush (Erythroxylum coca).
These leaves have been chewed since ancient times to produce a mild stimulant effect. In
1859, the rst pure sample was isolated from the leaves of the coco tree.
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The active ingredient in cocaine is called ecgonine methyl ester. Ecgonine methyl ester is a
derivative of the natural substance epinine, which occurs in the leaves of the Erythroxylum
cocam. When cocaine hydrochloride is ingested, it is converted into ecgonine methyl esters.
Cocaine is often referred to as coke, blow, smoke, white lightning, snow, nose candy, and
base. Cocaine is a white crystalline solid with a bitter taste. Its melting point is approximately
-10 ° C. It is insoluble in water, ether, benzene, and many organic solvents.
In its free base form, cocaine is a colorless, odorless, non-volatile liquid at room temperature.
It is slightly soluble in cold water (0.01 g/100 mL) and practically insoluble in hot water (0.02
g/100 mL), alcohol (0.03 g/100 mL), and ether (0.06 g/100 mL).
When cocaine is heated above 100 ° C, it begins to decompose. At 200 ° C, the molecule
starts breaking down completely.
The chemical formula for cocaine is C17H21NO4.
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Furthermore,: Cocaine contains two asymmetric carbon atoms. One of these carbon atoms is
chiral, meaning it has four different possible congurations. Because of this, cocaine exists in
three enantiomeric forms.
There are two major types of cocaine. Cocaine base, also known as freebase, is the base form
of cocaine. Cocaine hydrochloride is the salt form of cocaine. Buy Cocaine hydrochloride is a
white crystalline powder. It is soluble in water.
Hydrochloric acid breaks down the cocaine base into cocaine and hydrogen chloride gas.
Hydrogen chloride gas is then absorbed by sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate reacts
with the hydrogen chloride gas to create sodium chloride and carbon dioxide gas. Carbon
dioxide gas is released into the air.
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Cocaine base is the raw material for cocaine production. It is obtained by processing coca
leaves. Coca leaves are dried and ground into a ne powder. The powder is treated with
sulfuric acid. The resulting solution is ltered and concentrated. The residue is washed
several times with water until no further traces of cocaine are detected.
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Cocaine powder is sold as a white to off-white crystalline powder. It may appear in various
colors depending on the manufacturing processes.
Cocaine may be smoked, snorted, injected intravenously, or swallowed.
Smoking cocaine produces a euphoric high similar to that experienced after smoking
marijuana. Smoking cocaine is popular among users who prefer not to inhale their drugs. Buy
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Snorting cocaine produces a strong rush of endorphins, similar to that experienced after
taking heroin. Snorting cocaine is popular among users looking for a stronger high than
smoking provides. Buy Crack Cocaine online
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